What Are the Best Steroids For Bulking ?

There are plenty of anabolic steroids you can choose from when attempting to gain weight fast. The type that is best for bulking, however, will greatly vary from person to person depending on the individual’s goals and preferences. In this article, we’ll compare three of the most common steroids used by bodybuilders which include testosterone cypionate, testosterone propionate, and novaldex.

Testosterone Cypionate

Testosterone Cypionate is the most common injectable anabolic steroid used by bodybuilders today. If you’re looking to bulk up fast and increase your strength, testosterone cypionate is for you! From personal experience, I can tell you that although Testosterone Cypionate doesn’t directly burn fat without any other training, it will definitely give you the drive to push yourself harder in the gym. Though this steroid doesn’t allow for much muscle growth, it allows you to increase strength by a good 20lbs in just one month’s time!

Testosterone Cypionate has many advantages which include:

-Increase in Strength (20lbs)

-Increases protein synthesis

-Increases IGF levels (Insulin-like Growth Factor)

-Increases Red Blood Cell Count in the body

-Decreases Catabolism in muscle tissue

The common dosage for testosterone cypionate is 250mg every week.

Testosterone Propionate

Testosterone Propionate is another powerful steroid that when combined with other steroids can create an efficient bulking stack. Testosterone Propionate is similar to Testosterone Cypionate when it comes to increasing strength with little muscle mass increase, but the difference is that Testosterone Propionate has a half-life of 3-4 days compared to cypionates 7-day half-life. This allows for easier injections (weekly), and less frequent blood tests and doctor checks. The common dosage for Testosterone Propionate is 250mg every 3-4 days.

Testosterone Propionate has many advantages which include:

-Increase in Strength (20lbs)

-Increases protein synthesis

-Increases IGF levels (Insulin-like Growth Factor)

-Increases Red Blood Cell Count in the body

The common dosage for testosterone propionate is 250mg every 3-4 days.


Novaldex (also known as GW-501516) is a very powerful oral steroid that burns fat, increases muscle growth, and gives you the drive to push yourself harder in the gym than ever before, making it a very popular steroid among bodybuilders. Novaldex gives amazing results in bulking because of its ability to help you gain 10-15 lbs. in just one month’s time!

Novaldex has many advantages that include:

-Increase in Muscle Mass (10-15lbs)

-Increases strength

-Increases IGF levels (Insulin-like Growth Factor)

-Decrease in body fat percentage

The common dosage for Novaldex is 50mg every day. The only thing about Novaldex is that it has a short half-life.

Suggested Stacks

Strength Stack:

750mg Testosterone Cypionate/250mg Testosterone Propionate every week.

– This stack is a great bulking stack for those who have already completed a few cycles and are looking to increase their strength.

Protein Stack:

500mg Testosterone Cypionate/250mg Novaldex everyday.

– This stack is a good protein synthesis steroid cycle that will give you the drive to push yourself harder in the gym and increase your strength.

Fat Loss Stack:

250mg Testosterone Cypionate every day/500mg Testosterone Propionate every other day.

– This stack is a good fat loss steroid cycle that will give you great results in reducing body fat while maintaining muscle mass.

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