13 Quick Eating Tips While Taking Steroids

1) Consume an 8 oz steak and a large whole egg with vegetables (spinach, chard), broccoli or asparagus at least twice per day.

2) Consume a glass of milk or glass of whole milk yogurt and two cups of fruit (bananas, oranges) twice per day.

3) Consume 1 cup white rice and at least 8 oz meat with vegetables (cabbage, carrots) 2 times per day.

4) Consume 100-150g white rice and at least 8 oz meat with vegetables (cabbage, carrots) 3 times per day.

5) Consume 100-150g white rice and 8-12 oz steak at least 4 times per day.

6) Consume 150 grams of starch (potatoes, beans, legumes), 150-200 gr fruit or whole milk yogurt; 4 times per day.

5) Consume 150 grams of starch (potatoes, beans, legumes), 2-4 whole eggs and vegetables (spinach, kale); 6 times per day.

7) Consume 200 gr of white rice or Potatoes every 3 hours.

8) Eat at least 400 grams of starch daily plus 150-200 gr fruit or whole milk yogurt.

9) Consume 600 grams of starch daily (potatoes, beans, legumes), and 150 gr fruit or whole milk yogurt; 4 times per day.

10) Consume 600g starches (potatoes, beans, legumes), 400g rice and 200gr meat with vegetables 4 times per day.

11) Consume 2 cups of fruit, large steak and a glass of milk or glass of whole milk yogurt.

12) Consume 3 cups of fruit, glass of milk or glass of whole milk yogurt with 8 oz steak and vegetables (spinach, chard).

13) Consume 400 grams starch, 8 eggs with vegetables (cabbage, chard), meat and fruit daily.

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